Thursday, August 6, 2009

3. Captain's Log

My sister has made me promise to keep a daily voice memo on my journey. I am to begin this memo with the phrase "Captain's log, Stardate, 8.9.09" or what not.

This brings up the obvious question as to what I am captain of. I would say of my car, since I own it, and that no matter how small a boat is, there is captain of a boat, and so therefore, no matter how beat-up a road trip car is, there is a captain of that car.

As the captain, I should keep a log and fill it with vague, philosophical thoughts about encountering alien civilizations.

"Captain's Log, Stardate, 8.10.09, entered the Fallen Civilization of Detroit. In the post-apocalyptic ruin of the Great Recession, green shoots sprout both financial and spiritual. The Cash-for-Clunkers program offers hope yet for renewed manufacturing; the artists buying up $100 houses to establish bohemian colonies suggest the best of Paris in the 1920s. Woodstock in the 1960s.

"A friend has suggested Greektown. I could use a gyro."

It's unclear whether I should sound more Jean-Luc Picard, bravely positive about the best of humanity, or Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now, flailing away at "the horror, the horror."

Probably something more like Meurcault from The Stranger. "Car flat yesterday. Or was it today? It could have been yesterday. In any case, the tire had to be changed."

Shall I be Salinger?

"I'm not going to talk about all this crap about my childhood. This is how I got from New York to Alaska, and all that junk about how I grew up and how it changed my life I'm not going to get into."

Or maybe I should just be me.

"Captain's Log, stardate, 8.6.09, last day of work. Not packed yet. Actually, don't have a car yet either. Nor food. Nor camping supplies. Two days until departure. Maybe I can register my car in Buffalo. Buffalo is still in New York. They should have food in Buffalo too. And a camping store.

"I'll figure it all out on the road. That's what my ancestors did. You think Odysseus stocked up at Costco before heading back to Ithaca? Doubt it. I'll be fine.

"The Pilgrims survived a whole winter without granola. Bite me Trader Joe's!"


  1. Z,

    You obviously still harbor some passionate feelings towards copywritting since you used the copyranter blog background...can't wait to hear more of your adventures!

  2. Naps, I will also miss hunching over your shoulder trying to come up with a headline that talks about poop without saying "poop."
